Monday, April 05, 2010

Azaleas in Nacogdoches: Blooming photos and report

A report from one photographer...

The azaleas have been holding back due to cold temps earlier in the year, but they are finally busting out. This should be the beginning of several days/weeks of the really big azalea color.

The ajuga (a hardy ground cover) is showing off deep blue cones of color. Chinese fringe (lorapetalum) is peaking. Jonquils, narcissus and daffodils have had their day, although still present. Dogwoods and redbuds have been taking over.

This week the wisteria have exploded. They are incredible in the country side - taking over large 30 foot trees and covering them completely.

A good time to be in East Texas!

These are fairly good shots considering they are from a camera phone.
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