Friday, March 26, 2010
SFASU - Early Childhood Research Center
Appropriate for:
Professionals, volunteers, students, community residents, caregivers,
and anyone interested in issues related to families.
Registration begins at 8:15-9:00AM
Welcome 9:00-9:15AM
Dr. Lynda Martin, Director of School of Human Sciences
Dr. Elizabeth Vaughan, Assistant Chair/Professor—Elementary Education
Stephen F. Austin State University
Keynote Speaker 9:15AM-9:45AM
Dancing Babies
Dr. Carolyn Abel, Professor & Dr. Jannah Nerren, Assist. Professor
Stephen F. Austin State University-Department of Elementary Educ.
From dancing babies imitating Beyonce's "Single Ladies," to Plato's
Cave of early learning, learn about the foundations for learning and the
power of emulation.
Break 9:45– 10:00AM
Tour— 10:00-10:30AM
SFA Early Childhood Research Center / Exhibit Viewing
Session A: Financial Management 10:45-11:45AM
1. Guarding Against Identify Theft
Barbara McGinity, LMSW | Program Director
The Better Business Bureau Education Foundation
More and more consumers are being taken advantage of
by someone unknowingly using their personal
information. Learn valuable tips to minimize your risk of
identify theft.
2. The 4 R's of Managing Money and Using Credit
Phyllis Gilbert, M.S., M. Ed., SFASU Professor
This presentation will focus on important guidelines for
money management as well as an update on pro-consumer
credit card reform.
3. The Consumer Cash Crunch
Bill Langley, Regional Director of Education—
Consumer Credit Counseling
Learn about the “Ins and Outs” of credit, as well as, helpful
tips to keep dept under control.
Lunch 11:45AM-1PM
Susan Ballabina, PhD, Texas AgriLife Extension—RPD
The Value of Volunteers
Shelia Lewis, MS, Texas AgriLife Extension—DEA
Recognition of 2009 Master Wellness Volunteers
Session B: Families in Transition 1:00PM—2:00PM
1. Communication at the End of Life
Jessica Henderson, LBSW—Hospice of East Texas
Many caregivers want to protect the ones they love. Learn
the need for effective communication at the end of life.
2. Talking with Your Doctor
Andrew Crocker, Gerontology Health Specialist
Texas AgriLife Extension Service
Communication is a two-way street, especially where your
health is concerned. Knowing how to give and get
information during an appointment with your doctor may
help you take a big step toward your overall health.
3. Alcohol and Drug Abuse
Linda Few James, Alcohol and Drug Abuse Council
Learn about signs of alcohol and drug abuse of family
members of all ages, as well as, substance abuse treatment
Session C: Nutrition and Health 2:15PM-3:15PM
1. Nutritious Nibbles
Beth Lloyd, RD/LD, WIC Program Manager &
Mandy Watson NutI, CLC—WIC
Learn hands-on about healthy snacks that any kid
would like. Various snack recipes will be demonstrated,
along with lots of fun tips and ideas for healthy eating.
2. Dinner Tonight
Cassandra Coleman, Kari Aycock, & Claudann Jones
Texas AgriLife Extension Service, CEA-FCS
Learn and experience quick and healthy dinner ideas that
the entire family will love. Dishes will be prepared onsite
for a three course meal demonstrated by agents.
3. A Healthy Life Starts at Home
Kinnie M. Parker, MPH, CHES
Learn about the risk factors of chronic disease, how family
values influence health behavior and how to make
changes in your home to ensure the health of your child.
For more information or questions, please call or email
Holly Black, Texas AgriLife Extension Service- Anderson County,
903-723-3735 or